An Afternoon of Music

I was suppose to meet my new friend, Tessie, at the 9am Sunday service at church. I woke up at 7am (so I thought). I had a leisurely breakfast and usual cleaning. Then I did my nails. I started getting ready at around 8:30am (so I thought). I finished just in time (if it were not daylight savings time). Tessie called and I explained...she figured. I ended up attending the 11am service and I invited her for lunch at home (I made corned beef and cabbage soup and adobo (well, nana's adobo)). Then we headed to San Luis Obispo for an afternoon of music.

She had tickets to the San Luis Obispo Mozart Festival Winter Chamber Music Series. And since her husband is in the Philippines, she invited me to accompany her.

The German Genius... is the title of the concert. It was under the direction of a very talented violinist, Maestro Scott Yoo. There were 7 talented musicians performing two hours of heavenly music. The first piece was Mozart - Oboe Quartet, followed by Beethoven - String Trio and a finale of Brahms - String Sextet.

Then we stopped at Tessie's home and I met her eldest daughter visiting from Beverly Hills (her daughter's 6 yr old girl had a photo shoot for Ralph Lauren). Then they took me home. As we were driving up by the park, we saw my kids walking up from the park. Isabella met Tessie's granddaughter, Gabriella. They invited us for dinner but we had to politely decline as Isabella need to rest (she has been fighting a cold). Then I bid adieu to Tessie as she leaves for the Philippines Monday to join her husband in buying their condo.

Posted byImelda@Inspired Simplicity at 3/12/2007 04:35:00 PM  


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